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Platelets Function You Need to Know

The platelets function is to clot blood. The body needs blood clots to prevent large amounts of bleeding when injured or injured.

The number of platelets in an average person is 150,000-450,000. If less than that, the platelets cannot function optimally.

Another platelets function is to clog damaged blood vessels, which minimizes the occurrence of a lot of blood loss.

See in full what are the platelets function in the body below.

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What is Platelets

Platelets are the smallest blood cells, whose standard number ranges from 150,000-450,000 pieces per microliter of blood.

Platelets do not have a nucleus and can not do cell division or mitosis, where they have a complex metabolism and internal structure.

Small granules in platelets contain substances essential for blood clotting activity. The platelets function for the blood clotting process. The blood clotting process will be disrupted if the platelet level is not average.

Platelets Function

Platelets have a crucial role in the formation of blood. Under normal circumstances, platelets will circulate throughout the body through the bloodstream. When there is damage to a blood vessel, platelets will go to that area. Platelets will stick to the damaged surface and release substances that cause clots to clog blood vessels.

  • Prevent Blood Loss

The function of platelets is to clog damaged blood vessels, and this is to minimize blood loss. Platelets, under normal circumstances, will circulate throughout the body through the bloodstream.

  • Facilitate Wound Healing

Another function of platelets is to change their shape and quality after contacting injured blood vessels. In this case, the platelets will become sticky and clump together to form a platelet plug which can effectively patch the injured area.

  • Blood Clotting

In addition, another function of platelets is to perform blood clotting. Not much different from the part of leukocytes, it turns out that platelets have the same function as white blood cells.

  • Fight Virus

Finally, the function of platelets is to fight viruses that enter the body. This virus is quite dangerous because it can cause a person to contract various diseases. If the number of platelets in your body turns out to be below average, this will make you more susceptible to various diseases.

Causes of Low Platelets

As previously explained, the average platelet count in the body is around 150,000-450,000 per microliter (MCL). Well, if your platelet count is below 150,000/MCL, this is a sign that your platelet level is low.

If the platelet count is low, the virus will more easily enter the body and can attack various diseases. So what causes low platelets?

  • There is not enough bone marrow to produce platelets.
  • Platelets are destroyed in the bloodstream, liver, and spleen.
  • Are undergoing cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation.
  • The effect of drugs that are currently consumed.
  • Autoimmune disease is when the immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless object as a threat.

How to Increase Platelets

After knowing the cause of low platelets, of course, there are several ways to increase the number of platelets in the body, namely:

  • Consumption of Vitamin B12

The first way to increase platelets is to take vitamin B12 because vitamin B12 can maintain the health of blood cells if a deficiency of this vitamin can reduce a low platelet count. Sources of vitamin B12 you can get from animal foods such as beef liver and eggs.

  • Folic acid

In addition, folic acid can also help increase platelets. For information, folic acid is a B vitamin that can help form red blood cells. Some natural folic acid foods include beans, eggs, spinach, kale, bananas, and oranges.

  • Iron

To increase platelet levels, you also need to consume iron foods. Because iron is essential for the body to produce healthy blood cells, several foods that contain high iron are beef, pumpkin seeds, spinach, fish, tofu, and nuts.

  • Blood Transfusion

If consuming healthy and nutritious food has not been able to increase the number of platelets, another way is to do a blood transfusion. In general, this method is done if a person experiences heavy bleeding to the point of losing a lot of blood in the body.

  • Taking Drugs

The last way is to take drugs. However, one must first consult with a doctor to get a prescription for drugs that can consumed according to current conditions.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C can also help increase the number of platelets and work efficiently. You see, vitamin C can absorb iron and help increase the number of platelets. Sources of vitamin C in food are oranges, mangoes, tomatoes, and pineapples.

But keep in mind platelet levels should not be too high. In medical terms, this condition is referred to as thrombocytosis. Several factors can cause a platelet count to be too high, including:

  • Hemolytic anemia is a condition in which red blood cells are destroyed faster than their normal cycle;
  • Iron deficiency;
  • Post-surgery, infection, or trauma;
  • The presence of cancer cells growing in the body;
  • Side effects of certain drugs;
  • Diseases of the spinal cord called myeloproliferative neoplasms;
  • The spleen is surgically removed.

Well, that explains platelet function, the causes of its decline, and how to increase it again. If you feel you are experiencing the signs above, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor to be sure.

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If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to give us a call at +(62)361 474 0055 or email us at [email protected]!

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