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5 Tips for Ramadan to Stay Fit During Fasting

Read more to grasp the tips for Ramadan you need to maintain your health

It is a special month for Islamic devotees. The Muslims believe that it is the holiest month when Qur’an was revealed for the first time. Hence, Ramadan is a compulsory religious act the believers observe to worship their God.  Most of them would feel as if they are closer to their God than ever before. They consider this sacred month the time to perform good deeds and exhibit generosity and compassion towards one another.

They include fasting and restrain themselves from mundane activities based on the prophecy of the Qur’an during daylight. Those involve eating, drinking, smoking, going to entertainment clubs, and having intercourse. They have their early breakfast at the practice of suhoor or sehri before the crack of dawn and continue with their usual morning prayer and fasting. The fasting breaks at dusk they called it as iftar or fitoor. They would carry out to Taraweeh afterward. It is a special evening prayer during Ramadan in the mosque.

Benefits of Fasting

As an obligatory ritual, fasting has long been proven beneficial for health. Exceptions for fasting are meant for those with ailments, children, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, women on their menstruation period, and travelers. Doing it correctly can reduce bad cholesterol to keep our heart healthy. Fasting can also help us detox toxins and control blood sugar by preserving optimum sugar levels. If you are about to lose some weight, it can be pretty achievable at this point. In its prime state, sugar level can increase protein HGH (human growth hormone) to develop.

What You Should Avoid on Iftar and Suhoor

A hungry belly and intense thirst sometimes can lead to excessive eating and drinking. Keeping this on a regular basis will make people end up getting sick and thus, affect their health. These are several bad habits you should avoid in order to stay fit to follow the process of Ramadan from the beginning to the peak of Idul Fitri. Here are our tips for Ramadan to reveal the secret of health maintenance on these big days.

Drinking Too Much

Avoid consuming a massive amount of water before and after fasting. Naturally, morning is the time for the body to excrete feces. Post-meal at iftar is also the time to rest. Drinking too much will make you urinate frequently. The possibility of dehydration during fasting will be great. Instead, try to drink slowly so you will have better water absorption.

Prevent Your Fasting From Failure

There are several types of food that can make you likely failed to fast. You do not have to cut them off but keep your portion-controlled at dawn. The timespan of fasting in Indonesia is 12-13 hours. Therefore, we need to fill our body with nutrients so that fasting can also run optimally.

  • We are prone to fatigue when we have fatty food in the morning. Besides, food with high salt levels tends to cause burning thirst.
  • Spicy food at dawn can trigger heartburn.
  • Consumption of caffeine is a diuretic. It is a condition where the body will lose water more quickly. This is by making a mechanism of frequent urination and dehydration.
  • High sugar content in preservative sugar and carbohydrate are also not recommended because it will generate your body acid. Consume fruits that contain natural sweeteners so you feel full quickly. When breaking the fast, sweet food does restore the body’s energy that has been lost. However, most of them will actually cause a dangerous spike in blood sugar, especially diabetes sufferers. There is nothing wrong with what food to consume, but it will be best if you could pay attention to your iftar menu by providing limits.

Stop Exercising When Fasting

You should not ignore your stamina in unpredictable circumstances such as now. The exercise schedule should not be disrupted. However, since you are fasting, you should adjust the workout to be lighter. Don’t put too much strain on the body. Even if you really want to do your daily high-intensity workout regimen, you can opt to do sports before suhoor or near the time of iftar.

Smoking After Breaking the Fast

Many active smokers experience a sour mouth sensation when they are fasting and perhaps when iftar hours they can’t wait to smoke a cigarette. Cigarettes contain chemicals such as nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide. Putting these harmful substances on an empty stomach can cause heartburn, nausea, and peat ulcers because smoking reduces the sodium bicarbonate content, a body chemical to neutralize stomach acid released by the pancreas.

Sleeping Immediately After Suhoor

We typically feel exhausted and sleepy after meals. However, lying in bed after eating will inhibit the digestive process compared to your body in an upright position. You may have GERD or a position where your consumed food might return to the esophagus resulting in acid reflux. In addition, falling asleep after eating will lead to weight gain. This is because your body does not have the opportunity to burn these calories. Not to mention the feeling of discomfort or flatulence.

Follow Our Tips for Ramadan to Gain Fasting Success!

Ramadan ends with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr or more familiarized with the term Idul Fitri in Indonesia. Before Covid-19, there will be a grand prayer conducted in the mosques of all around the globe in countries with Islamic devotees. Family gatherings are everywhere, and each household will visit one another to beseech forgiveness and enjoy large meals together. However, to halt the spread of the virus, Indonesia is on a strict prohibition for one to travel to his hometown. Hope you have a happy Ramadan Kareem! Please do not forget your Vitamin C intake and juices rich in antioxidants to boost your immune system. Lastly, to observe the tips for Ramadan we have provided to ensure your body keeps in shape until the last day of fasting.

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