Life during the pandemic has undoubtedly brought a substantial addition to parents’ responsibilities, and not to mention worries, when it comes to keeping their children safe and healthy.
While we might often hear how Covid-19 infections in children are generally mild, there has been evidence that children with Covid-19 can also get severely ill that they require hospitalization or even intensive care. Sadly, reports have also shown that in rare cases, deaths have occurred in children and teenagers. As the virus is proven not to be entirely benign in children, it is only normal that parents are worried about these odds.
While the symptoms of Covid-19 in children and adults are quite similar, studies have shown that symptoms in children generally tend to be milder and resemble those of a cold. Furthermore, over 30% of children and teenagers who tested positive for Covid-19 were mostly asymptomatic. However, researchers have also found the following facts about Covid-19 symptoms in children that every parent needs to know.
1. Cough and runny nose
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has listed coughing as one of the most common symptoms of Covid-19 in children. Though coughing and runny nose are indeed not only present in children who tested positive for SARS-Cov-2, they were proven to be very common among those who were infected. Despite not being considered a specific symptom of Covid-19 infection, every parent should keep an eye out for any other signs and symptoms of this infection if their children suffer from a cough and cold.
2. Fever or chills
The same as in adults, one of the most common symptoms of Covid-19 in babies and children is a fever or chills. The Canadian Medical Association Journal recently shared a study conducted by a group of experts who assessed Covid-19 symptoms among over 2,400 children with Covid-19 in Alberta, Canada. The result have shown that fever was 68% more likely to be present in children who tested positive. Thus, if your child suffers from a fever accompanied by any other common symptoms of Covid-19, make sure to consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
3. New loss of taste or smell
Furthermore, the study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal stated that loss of taste and/or smell was seven times higher in kids who tested positive for Covid-19, making it one of the tell-tale signs of the infection. Also known as anosmia and ageusia, these conditions mean that a person loses the ability to smell or taste anything, or experience a significant change in how they taste and/or smell things.
4. Nausea or vomiting accompanied by a headache
The previously mentioned research also revealed that children who suffered from nausea and vomiting were five times more likely to test positive for Covid-19. An upset stomach combined with a headache and loss of taste and smell brings the chance of a positive Covid-19 test up to 65 times higher when compared with children and teenagers who do not suffer those specific symptoms.
5. Other symptoms
Aside from the above common symptoms of Covid-19 in children, please also pay attention to the other symptoms such as sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, tiredness, muscle and body aches, and a poor appetite.
Make sure to bring your child to seek emergency care immediately in case of emergency warning signs such as trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, the inability to stay up after having rested or slept enough, or bluish skin around the face and lips.
Finally, make sure that you protect yourself and your little ones from Covid-19 by practicing all safety and health protocols at all times. Stay safe, everyone!