Entering New Normal, the strict health protocol still becomes an obligation to apply in every layer of community all around the world. Now many scientists and researchers still working on the antiviral research to be able against the COVID-19 spread. Apart from implementing the health protocol by using a mask, face shield, social distancing, and always keep your hands clean, the consumption of vitamins is needed to boost our immune systems. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is currently making headlines in the fight against COVID-19. Vitamin C and Zinc are among adjuvant treatments for patients with COVID-19 because of their various immune-enhancing properties and possible as an antiviral effect.
What is IV vitamin C?
A solution of vitamin C is delivered directly into the bloodstream through a vein, typically in the arm. Because it skips the stomach and intestines, vitamin C in the blood rises to very high levels and very quickly. A doctor’s order is required to receive this treatment. It is important to get IV vitamin C only in a clinic or other medical setting. Studies have shown that vitamin C helps prevent the common cold, which is caused by another coronavirus, in patients whose bodies are under physical stress. Vitamin C has also reduced the duration and severity of cold symptoms in supplementation trials.
Potential of vitamin C as a therapy for COVID-19
Vitamin C has the potential to be used in COVID-19 therapy because it can boost the immune system and function as an antioxidant. Several studies have also found a positive effect of vitamin C in critical conditions and sepsis, thus it is hoped that it will benefit COVID-19 patients with these conditions. One of the early studies regarding the use of vitamin C in sepsis was conducted by Marik et al. In this before-after study design, it was concluded that giving vitamin C, together with hydrocortisone and thiamine could prevent the progression of organ dysfunction and reduce mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock.
How might IV vitamin C work in COVID-19 patients?
There are several theories about how IV vitamin C may help treat COVID-19: (1) Very high vitamin C levels may create free radicals that destroy viruses and bacteria. Our body’s cells have defenses against these free radicals, but viruses do not. (2) Another possibility is IV vitamin C renews the body’s antioxidant protection. Serious infections can use up our body’s vitamin C and other antioxidants very quickly.
Role of vitamin C in COVID-19
There are no clinical trial results related to the use of vitamin C in COVID-19 cases. The current use of vitamin C is as an empirical therapy based on the experience of clinicians in China who provide intravenous vitamin C with doses ranging from 50-200 mg/kg BW according to disease severity. In addition, the administration of vitamin C has been shown to prevent transmission of acute respiratory infections in some special populations such as marathons, ski athletes, and military personnel, but not in the general population. From the research, it was found that regular supplementation with a minimum dose of 200 mg/day can reduce the duration of ARI by 8% in adults.
Guidelines issued by the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association (PDPI) recommend the use of vitamin C for the treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia. For COVID-19 pneumonia without symptoms and mild symptoms, oral vitamin C is given at a dose of 100-200 mg 3 times/day. For moderate and severe symptomatic COVID-19 pneumonia, intravenous vitamin C is recommended. The Association of Indonesian Internal Medicine Specialists (PAPDI) on its website recommends the use of vitamin C at a dose of 200-400 mg/8 hours intravenously for patients with moderate and severe symptoms of COVID-19.
Currently, clinical trials regarding the use of intravenous vitamin C in COVID-19 cases are ongoing in China. In that clinical trial, the intravenous dose of vitamin C was 12 grams given twice daily for 7 days and compared with the placebo. The clinical trial is expected to be completed by the end of September 2020 (ClinicalTrial.gov clinical trial number: NCT04264533).
Choose the right clinic
If you feel that your body is in unwell condition, but you still need to be active, we recommend you to get IV vitamin C therapy. With this service you can strengthen your body’s immune system during a pandemic, thus you can avoid the virus infections.
There are many hospitals in Bali that provide IV vitamin therapy in their list of services. If you are in Bali and looking for this service, do not hesitate to come to our clinic, Prime Plus Medical. Located in Canggu, Badung, we provide infusion treatment with the right method and experienced medical personnel.
We also have a laboratory that allows you to run a series of tests before getting treatment. This will help get the right IV therapy and ensure it is safe for your health. The clinical procedure that we do must be accompanied by a doctor. Of course, with a quality and certified IV vitamin formula.
Sources: lpi.oregonstate.edu, www.alomedika.coma